Developing and testing an integrated patient mHealth and provider dashboard application system for type 2 diabetes management among Medicaid-enrolled pregnant individuals based on a user-centered approach: Mixed-methods study


Fareed Naleef1ORCID,Swoboda Christine1,Singh Priti1,Boettcher Emma2,Wang Yiting2,Venkatesh Kartik3,Strouse Robert2


1. CATALYST – The Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics, and Systems Thinking, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, Columbus, OH, USA

2. Department of Research Information Technology, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

3. Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA


Background A tailored and integrated technology solution (patient mHealth application and provider dashboard) can provide a 360° view of Medicaid-enrolled patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) during pregnancy that could improve health outcomes and address health inequities. Objectives To develop a set of user specifications for the mHealth and dashboard applications, develop prototypes based on user needs, and collect initial impressions of the prototypes to subsequently develop refined tools that are ready for deployment. Methods Study activities followed a double-diamond framework with a participatory design mindset. Activities were divided into two phases focused on a qualitative inquiry about participant needs and values (phase 1) and design, development, and usability testing of low and high-fidelity prototypes (phase 2). Results We identified themes that exemplified pregnancy experience among Medicaid-enrolled individuals with T2D. Patients ( n  =  7) and providers ( n  =  7) expressed a core set of expectations for the mHealth and dashboard applications. Participants provided feedback to improve the mHealth and dashboard. For both applications, participants reported scores for the NASA Task load Survey (TLX) that were in the 20th percentile of national TLX scores. Conclusions Digital health tools have the ability to transform health care among Medicaid-enrolled patients with T2D during pregnancy, with the goal of managing their blood glucose levels, which is a precursor to experiencing a successful pregnancy and birth. Distilling patient and provider needs and preferences—then using them, along with prior studies and theory, to develop applications—holds great potential in tackling complicated health care issues.


Department of Biomedical Informatics, The Ohio State University

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


SAGE Publications


Health Information Management,Computer Science Applications,Health Informatics,Health Policy

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