Defining “High-risk Sexual Behavior” in the Context of Substance Use


Chawla Nishtha1,Sarkar Siddharth1


1. Department of Psychiatry and NDDTC, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India


Introduction: Sexual behavior is a behavior exhibited by individuals to gratify one of their basic needs, that is the sexual need. Often the way in which sexual behavior is practiced may lead to negative consequences. However, the definition of a sexual behavior as risky varies with regards to culture, gender, age, and the threshold. Objectives: This review aims to study different definitions of high-risk sexual behavior available in literature, the differences in the prevalence of various risks associated with risky sex in substance-using population as compared to general population, and eventually formulating a tentative definition of “high-risk sexual behavior” in the context of substance use. Current evidence and results of literature search as we have entered into the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus globally, it is important clinically as well as from the public health perspective to define high-risk sexual behavior discretely helping the researchers quantify the burden and the clinicians focus on the population at risk. High-risk sexual behavior has often been discussed and studied in various studies till date. However, literature lacks a discrete definition of high-risk sexual behavior. Risky sex (or high-risk sexual behavior) has been variably defined in different studies. Majority of the definitions in the studies focus on sexually transmitted infection, especially human immunodeficiency virus. A few studies talk about unintended pregnancies or abortions. Conclusion: The association between high-risk sexual behavior and substance use has been well established. Further research is warranted to obtain a definition which has greater precision and clinical utility, and which can be integrated in preventive and promotive pursuits.


SAGE Publications

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