The Multiple Errands Test: A Guide for Site-Specific Version Development


Scarff Shannon M.ORCID,Nalder Emily J.,Gullo Hannah L.,Fleming Jennifer


Background. The complex and real-world nature of the Multiple Errands Test (MET) makes it a valuable and increasingly popular assessment of cognitive function. However, these same qualities make its local implementation challenging. Purpose. To produce an evidence-based guide for site-specific adaptation of the MET. Method. The CAN-IMPLEMENT© knowledge translation framework informed a structured approach to the creation of a guide to site-specific version development, informed by twenty-two published approaches to MET adaptation. Applicability of the guide was supported by a two-phase revision process, in which a site-specific hospital and community version produced from its recommendations were administered with forty-two neurologically intact participants and stakeholder feedback obtained. Findings. We offer an outline of core components which maintain the integrity of the MET, and adaptable peripheries which may be modified when required by the local setting. Implications. The proposed guide provides a systematic yet flexible guide for site-specific MET development.


Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Foundation Scholarship


SAGE Publications


Occupational Therapy

Reference38 articles.

1. Ecological validity of a simplified version of the multiple errands shopping test

2. Andre M. M. (2009). Acquired brain injury and naturalistic strategy use: Analysis of strategies used during completion of the Multiple Errands Test (Publication Number MR59276) [Master’s thesis, University of Toronto]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

3. Developing and Validating a Big-Store Multiple Errands Test

4. The case for the development and use of “ecologically valid” measures of executive function in experimental and clinical neuropsychology

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1. Further investigations into performance variance on the Multiple Errands Test;Australian Occupational Therapy Journal;2023-11-13







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