Employment Social Skills


Agran Martin1,Hughes Carolyn2,Thoma Colleen A.3,Scott LaRon A.3


1. University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA

2. Queens College, City University of New York, NY, USA

3. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA


Although social skills have long been recognized as essential in promoting employees’ employability (e.g., maintaining employment), there has been little research about work-related social skills for the last two decades. A systematic replication of Salzberg, Agran, and Lignugaris/Kraft’s investigation of critical social skills was conducted. Specifically, a national sample of secondary teachers was asked to rate the importance of social skills in employment settings and the extent to which instruction was provided to teach these skills. Among the skills rated as most important were seeking clarification for unclear instructions, arriving at work on time, refraining from inappropriate touching of others, carrying out instructions needing immediate attention, notifying a supervisor when assistance is needed, responding appropriately to critical feedback, and interacting well with customers/clients. Interestingly, the skills perceived to be the most important were not the skills that were most frequently taught. The implications of these findings are discussed.


SAGE Publications


Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Education

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