Forearm and hand arteries' aneurysms – a case report of bilateral true ulnar artery aneurysm in the hypothenar eminence and systematic review of the literature


De Santis F1,Martini G1,Mani G1,Zywica M1,Zipponi D1


1. Department of Vascular Surgery, Ospedale di Bressanone/Krankenhaus Brixen, Bressanone/Brixen, Italy


Arterial aneurysms in the forearm, wrist and hand are relatively uncommon. Penetrating injuries, arterial traumas, infections and repetitive microtraumas represent the most frequent cause of these secondary aneurysms or pseudo-aneurysms, while true non-traumatic or infective peripheral aneurysms of the upper extremities are very rarely encountered. Over the last 20 years these have been reported only sporadically, both in adults and children. We describe a case of bilateral true idiopathic saccular artery aneurysms in the hypothenar eminence, treated with excision and arterial continuity restoration by primary end-to-end anastomosis on the left side and conservatively on the right. To our knowledge, no other similar case has been documented to date. Starting from this original case we conducted a systematic review of the literature via PubMed search on peripheral aneurysms of the forearm and hand arteries from 1933 to the present, including specifically true distal ulnar and radial artery aneurysms. Etiology, clinical characteristics and management of these rare pathological entities are extensively discussed.


SAGE Publications


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging,General Medicine,Surgery

Reference36 articles.

1. Arteriosclerotic Aneurysms of the Hand

2. Guattani C. De extremis aneurismatibus manu chirurgica methodice penetrandis. Rome, 1977. Erichsen JE (trans). London: Syndenham Society, 1844:268

3. Surgical management of ulnar artery aneurysms

4. True Aneurysmal Disease in the Hand and Upper Extremity

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