Prevalence of Dental and Skeletal Malocclusions in Mesaticephalic and Dolichocephalic Dogs—a Retrospective Study (2015–2018)


Berman Marissa1ORCID,Soltero-Rivera Maria2,Scanlan Amy J Fulton3ORCID


1. VCA Encina Veterinary Medical Center, Walnut Creek, CA, USA

2. VCA San Francisco Veterinary Specialists, San Francisco, CA, USA

3. Aggie Animal Dental Center, Mill Valley, CA, USA


Medical records of dogs with dolico- or mesaticephalic conformation who were presented to a private veterinary referral dental practice with malocclusion of the deciduous or permanent dentition were retrospectively reviewed from a 3-year period (2015–2018). Records were evaluated to determine the type(s) of malocclusions and 198 dogs were evaluated with permanent malocclusions. Of the dogs with deciduous malocclusions, 45 (60%) had variations of a MAL1, 28 (38%) had a MAL2, 13 (17.6%) had a MAL3, and four (5.4%) had a MAL4, with 19 (26%) having more than one type of malocclusion. Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels consisted of 37 (50%) of the dogs with deciduous malocclusions. Fifty-five (74%) dogs proceeded with interceptive orthodontics. Of the dogs with permanent malocclusions, 128 (65%) had a variant of a MAL1, 60 (30%) had a MAL2, 75 (38%) had a MAL3, and 11 (5.6%) had a MAL4, with a MAL1 occurring concurrently with 49 (82%) MAL2 cases. The most common type of MAL1 was linguoversion of one or both mandibular canine teeth in 92 (72%) dogs. The five most commonly affected breeds with permanent malocclusions were Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, Chihuahuas, Pit Bull Terriers, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Overall, 39 (18%) dogs presented with malocclusions observed in this study were associated with the Poodle breed and 20 (9%) dogs were associated with the Labrador Retriever breed. This trend among Poodle mixes and Labrador Retrievers supports a familial pattern to malocclusions.


SAGE Publications


General Veterinary

Reference64 articles.

1. Occlusion and Orthodontics

2. Assessment of Temporary Crown Extensions to Correct Linguoverted Mandibular Canine Teeth in 72 Client-Owned Dogs (2012-2016)

3. Pathology in the Pediatric Patient

4. American Veterinary Dental College. AVDC Nomenclature. Accessed December 31, 2019.

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