Perceived Quality of Life in Intensive Care Medicine Physicians: A French National Survey


Terzi Nicolas1ORCID,Fournier Alicia2,Lesieur Olivier3,Chappé Julien2,Annane Djillali4,Chagnon Jean-Luc5,Thévenin Didier6,Misset Benoit7,Diehl Jean-Luc8,Touati Samia9,Outin Hervé10,Dauger Stéphane11,Sement Arnaud12,Drault Jean-Noël13,Rigaud Jean-Philippe14,Laurent Alexandra215,


1. University of Rennes, Rennes, France

2. Laboratoire de Psychologie : Dynamiques Relationnelles et Processus Identitaires (PsyDREPI), Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France

3. Intensive Care Unit, Saint Louis Hospital, La Rochelle, France

4. General Intensive Care Unit, Hôpital Raymond Poincaré (APHP), Université de Versailles SQY and Université Paris Saclay, Garches, France

5. General Intensive Care Unit, Centre hospitalier de Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France

6. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier de Lens, Lens, France

7. Intensive Care Department and Burn Center, University Hospital, Liège, Belgium

8. Service de médecine intensive Réanimation, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Université de Paris, Paris, France

9. Réanimation médico-chirurgicale, Groupement hospitalier public du sud de l'Oise, Creil, France

10. Médecine Intensive Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Poissy - Saint-Germain-en-Laye 10 rue du Champ Gaillard, Poissy Cedex, France

11. Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Robert-Debré University Hospital, Paris, France

12. Réanimation Polyvalente, Centre Hospitalier Mont de Marsan, Urrugne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

13. Centre Hospitalier de Pau, Pau, France

14. Intensive Care Unit, Dieppe General Hospital, Dieppe, France

15. Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Dijon University Medical Centre, Dijon, France


Purpose There is a growing interest in the quality of work life (QWL) of healthcare professionals and staff well-being. We decided to measure the perceived QWL of ICU physicians and the factors that could influence their perception. Methods: We performed a survey coordinated and executed by the French Trade Union of Intensive Care Physicians (SMR). QWL was assessed using the French version of the Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale, perceived stress using the French version of 10 item-Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) and group functioning using the French version of the Reflexivity Scale, the Social Support at Work Questionnaire (QSSP-P). Results: 308 French-speaking ICU physicians participated. 40% perceived low WRQoL, mainly due to low general well-being, low satisfaction with working conditions and low possibility of managing the articulation between their private and professional lives. Decreased QWL was associated with being a woman (p = .002), having children (p = .022) and enduring many monthly shifts (p = .022). Conclusions: This work highlights the fact that ICU physicians feel a significant imbalance between the demands of their profession and the resources at their disposal. Communication and exchanges within a team and quality of social support appear to be positive elements to maintain and/or develop within our structures.


SAGE Publications


Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine

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