The natural history of conservatively treated partial anterior cruciate ligament tears


Buckley Steven L.1,Barrack Robert L.1,Alexander A. Herbert1


1. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Naval Hospital, Oakland, California


Twenty-five patients with arthroscopically proven par tial ACL tears were reviewed. All patients underwent examination under anesthesia and arthroscopy follow ing an acute injury to a previously normal knee. The percentage of tear was estimated during arthroscopy. Postoperatively, patients were treated with early motion and hamstring strengthening. Weightbearing and quad riceps rehabilitation were delayed. A detailed rating of symptoms and function was performed at a minimum of 18 months after injury, using a modification of the AOSSM ACL follow-up form. Neither the estimated percentage of ligament tear, length of followup, nor age at time of injury significantly correlated with clinical score at followup. Thirteen patients underwent partial meniscectomy at the time of original arthroscopy. Their clinical outcome was not different from those without meniscectomy. Two patients (8%) underwent ACL re construction 8 and 64 months after injury, respectively. Overall results were judged as excellent (28%), good (32%), fair (24%), and poor (16%). Only 44% were able to resume sports at their preinjury level, and 72% had activity-related symptoms.


SAGE Publications


Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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