Social Cognitive Career Theory Predictors of Goal Persistence in African American College Students With Disabilities


Wu Jia Rung1ORCID,Kundu Madan2,Iwanaga Kanako3ORCID,Chan Fong4,Chen Xiangli5,Rumrill Phillip6,Wehman Paul3ORCID


1. Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, USA

2. Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

3. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

4. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

5. Kessler Foundation and Rutgers University, East Hanover, NJ, USA

6. University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA


The Black Lives Matter movement exposed the broad and deep issues of institutional racism in the United States. Helping young African Americans with disabilities persevere in their pursuit of college degrees and obtain entry-level professional jobs as career pathways to the middle class will contribute to workplace equity for young adults who are at the intersection of race, disability, and poverty. The Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) has been validated extensively as a model of goal persistence for women and minority college students majoring in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). The present study evaluated SCCT constructs as predictors of goal persistence in a sample of African American college students with disabilities across various academic majors, using hierarchical regression analysis. The final model accounted for 53% of the variance in goal persistence scores, a large effect size. Academic milestone self-efficacy and career self-efficacy were the most important predictors of goal persistence, followed by academic barrier self-efficacy, deep learning style, and career outcome expectancy. The SCCT interventions designed to increase academic and career efficacy and outcome expectancy will increase the likelihood that African American college students with disabilities will complete their degrees and successfully obtain professional jobs.


SAGE Publications


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Applied Psychology,Rehabilitation

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