Did you save some cash for a rainy COVID-19 day? The crisis and SMEs


Cowling Marc1ORCID,Brown Ross2ORCID,Rocha Augusto2ORCID


1. University of Derby, UK

2. University of St Andrews, UK


As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, a common public policy response has been to enforce the temporary closure of non-essential business activity. In some countries, governments have underwritten a proportion of the wage income for staff forced to furlough or broadened their welfare systems to accommodate newly laid off workers or small business owners. While these actions are helpful, they do not explicitly address the lack of sales trading activity on business income and cash balances. In commentary, we identify what types of businesses have been increasing their cash holdings in the lead up to COVID-19 as an indication of what types of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are most at risk if the lockdown extends for a protracted period of time. We find that only 39% of the of businesses were bolstering their cash balances leading up to COVID-19 which suggests that 61% of businesses may run out of cash, including 8.6% that had no retained earnings whatsoever with micro firms at particular risk. The importance of precautionary saving for SMEs is critical to enhance resilience when Black Swan events occur.


SAGE Publications


Business and International Management

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1. Small retail businesses' social media adoption amid a crisis;Industrial Management & Data Systems;2024-02-06

2. In the depths of despair: Lost income and recovery for small businesses during COVID-19;International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction;2024-02

3. Dynamic, technological and marketing capabilities in MSMEs’ recovery from COVID-19 – the moderating role of organizational learning;Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics;2024-01-29

4. Pivot to Persevere: Temporary Pivots as a Response to Exogenous Shocks;Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research;2024-01-24

5. Financing small and innovative firms during COVID-19;Economics of Innovation and New Technology;2023-12-27








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