Take Five? Testing the Cultural and Experiential Theories of Generalised Trust Against Five Criteria


Kumove Michael1ORCID


1. Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway


Is generalised trust stable or changeable? The ‘cultural’ theory argues that trust is a relatively fixed personality trait, while the ‘experiential’ theory contends that life experiences can alter trust during adulthood. But these two theories have been tested using a variety of different criteria whose differences have seemingly never been acknowledged explicitly. In this article, I map out these five different criteria, formulating specific hypotheses for each one and test them on a large and representative longitudinal data set from Australia. As expected, both the cultural and experiential theories appear broadly correct: trust is affected by both early-life factors and adult experiences, but the impact of adult experiences is usually transitory. A broad range of adult experiences seem to affect trust, and trust exhibits high rank-order but low mean-level stability. I conclude by suggesting some new directions for the study of generalised trust.


australian government


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science

Reference69 articles.

1. Solid or Flexible? Social Trust from Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood

2. Who trusts others?

3. The Civic Culture

4. Australian Government, Centre for Population (2020) Why Do People Move? A Quick Guide to Understanding Internal Migration in Australia. Available at: https://population.gov.au/sites/population.gov.au/files/2021-09/why_do_people_move_a_quick_guide.pdf (accessed September 2022).

5. Negative Experiences and Trust: A Causal Analysis of the Effects of Victimization on Generalized Trust








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