The WCET® & Global Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education


Hibbert Denise1ORCID


1. WCET® Education Chairperson


Enterostomal Therapist is just one of the titles used globally to identify nurses trained in the specialty of ostomy, wound and continence nursing (OWC). Enterostomal Therapy involves components of expert clinical practice, education, leadership and research. Enterostomal Therapists (ETs) are entrusted to be accountable for using their expertise to provide consultation for patients, physicians, nurses, health care organisations and the public. As ETs we are responsible for our education, in developing our expertise and in ensuring our knowledge is up to date in order to base our practice on current evidence. We also need to be discerning enough to know when evidence warrants a change in practice and how to translate this evidence at the bedside for individual patients. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence required to develop the expertise necessary to care for patients with these complex conditions, is generally via formal education, clinical supervision and mentorship, experience gained over years working in the field, and last but not least self-study using the principles of adult learning.


SOBEST Associacao Brasileira de Estomaterapia

Reference4 articles.

1. Hibbert D, Al Dossary RR. Developing enterostomal therapy as a nursing specialty in Saudi Arabia: which model fits best? Gastrointestinal Nursing. 2015;13(3):41-48.

2. WCET Education [Internet]. World Council of Enterostomal Therapists; 2019 [cited 2019 Oct 07]. Available at: https://www.wcetn. org/the-wcet-education

3. ETNEP/REP Recognition Process Guidelines [Internet]. World Council of Enterostomal Therapists; 2017 [cited 2019 Oct 07]. Available at:

4. Hibbert D. WCET ETNEP/REP Recognition. What are the Benefits. (2019) WCET BullETin 16(2); 13-15.







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