Promoting educational equity and facilitating effective use of high-quality resources


Qian Jing


Massive open online courses (MOOC) have witnessed a surge in popularity in recent years, affording learners the convenience and adaptability to access top-tier educational resources. Despite the myriad advantages MOOC offer, the global and Chinese completion rates linger at a modest level. Recent data reveals a worldwide average completion rate of approximately 10%, underscoring the challenge of retaining learners throughout their enrolled courses. In China, a parallel scenario unfolds, with completion rates fluctuating around 5%–10%. This study delves into the examination of social-psychological factors contributing to China’s low MOOC completion rates. In study 1, we found a disparity in MOOC completion and scores between first-generation college students and non-first generation college students, and underpinned social threat as one contributing factor to this disparity. In the experiment, we nudge college students towards enhancing their participation and elevating completion rates within MOOC learning. This research conducted a comparative analysis of two cognitive nudge methodologies, revealing the superiority of the value affirmation intervention over the reappraisal intervention. Moreover, hierarchical intervention strategies were recommended to enhance students’ learning experiences more efficiently.


Scholar Media Publishing

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