Prevalence and determinants of inconsistent condom use among unmarried sexually active youth. a secondary analysis of the 2016-2017 Eswatini HIV incidence measurement survey


S Simelane Maswati,B Chemhaka Garikayi,S Shabalala Fortunate,T Simelane Portia,Vilakati Zodwa


Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, youth continue to have a high burden of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies that could be reduced through improved condom use. We aimed to investigate inconsistent condom use with the three most recent sexual partners among unmarried sexually active youth in Eswatini Methods: Data were analysed for 1,324 youth from the 2016-2017 Swaziland HIV incidence measurement survey (SHIMS2) using multivariable logistic regression method. Results: The prevalence of inconsistent condom use among youth was 56.8% in 2017. Higher odds of inconsistent condom use were observed among youth aged 20-24, residents in the Lubombo region, those aged less than 18 years at sexual debut and those who had two or more sexual partners in the last 12 months before the survey. Lower odds of inconsistent condom use were observed among males, and those that knew their partners reported HIV status to be negative. Conclusion: Our findings highlight a notable prevalence of inconsistent condom use among youth in Eswatini. Programs that aim to reduce the incidence of HIV infections and STIs among youth in Eswatini should focus on these factors associated with inconsistent condom use. Keywords: Inconsistent condom use; youth; factors; Eswatini


African Journals Online (AJOL)


General Medicine

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