Probiotics: current landscape and future horizons


Day Richard LJ1,Harper Ashton J1,Woods Rachel M2,Davies Owen G2,Heaney Liam M2ORCID


1. ADM Protexin Ltd, Lopen Head, Somerset, TA13 5JH, UK

2. School of Sport, Exercise & Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK


In recent years there has been a rapid rise in interest for the application of probiotic supplements to act as mediators in health and disease. This appeal is predominantly due to ever-increasing evidence of the interaction of the microbiota and pathophysiological processes of disease within the human host. This narrative review considers the current landscape of the probiotic industry and its research, and discusses current pitfalls in the lack of translation from laboratory science to clinical application. Future considerations into how industry and academia must adapt probiotic research to maximize success are suggested, including more targeted application of probiotic strains dependent on individual capabilities as well as application of multiple advanced analytical technologies to further understand and accelerate microbiome science.


Future Science Ltd



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