Suicidality among trans people in Ontario: Implications for social work and social justice


Bauer Greta R.1,Pyne Jake2,Francino Matt Caron3,Hammond Rebecca2


1. Professeure, Épidémiologie et biostatistique, Université Western Ontario

2. Projet « Trans PULSE »

3. Coordonnateur des services francophones, Santé arc-en-ciel Ontario


While transgender and transsexual (trans) communities have been documented to experience high rates of suicidality, little attention has been paid to how this may vary based on experiences of social injustice. Using survey data from the Trans PULSE Project (n=433), we estimated that suicidal thoughts were experienced by 36% of trans Ontarians over the past year, and that 10% attempted suicide during that time. Moreover, we documented that youth and those experiencing transphobia and lack of support are at heightened risk. Suicidality varied greatly by medical transition status, with those who were planning to transition sex, but who had not yet begun, being most vulnerable. Recommendations are made for improving wellbeing in trans communities, through policy advocacy, service provision, access to transition care, and fostering accepting families and communities.


Consortium Erudit

Reference78 articles.

1. Bauer, G.R., R. Hammond, R. Travers, M. Kaay, K.M. Hohenadel et M. Boyce (2009). « “I don’t think this is theoretical; this is our lives.” How erasure impacts health care for transgender people », Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, vol. 20, p. 348-361.

2. Bauer, G., M. Boyce, T. Coleman, M. Kaay, K. Scanlon et R. Travers (2010). « Qui sont les personnes trans en Ontario? », Bulletin électronique de Trans PULSE, vol. 1, no 1, p. 1-2. []

3. Bauer, G., N. Nussbaum, R. Travers, L. Munro, J. Pyne et N. Redman (2011). « Nous avons du pain sur la planche: la discrimination au travail et les défis d’emploi pour les personnes trans en Ontario », Bulletin électronique de Trans PULSE, vol. 2, no 1), p. 1-3. []

4. Bauer, G.R., R. Travers, K. Scanlon et T.A. Coleman (2012). « High heterogeneity of HIV-related sexual risk among transgender people in Ontario, Canada: a province-wide respondent-driven sampling survey », BMC Public Health, vol. 12, no 291, p. 1-12.

5. Canadian Association of Social Workers (2005). Code of Ethics. Ottawa: Author. Retrieved March 8, 2013 from []







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