Dynamic compartmentalization of the pro-invasive transcription factor NHR-67 reveals a role for Groucho in regulating a proliferative-invasive cellular switch in C. elegans


Medwig-Kinney Taylor N1ORCID,Kinney Brian A2ORCID,Martinez Michael AQ1ORCID,Yee Callista3ORCID,Sirota Sydney S1,Mullarkey Angelina A1ORCID,Somineni Neha1ORCID,Hippler Justin14ORCID,Zhang Wan1,Shen Kang3ORCID,Hammell Christopher2ORCID,Pani Ariel M5,Matus David Q1ORCID


1. Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Stony Brook University

2. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

3. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biology, Stanford University

4. Science and Technology Research Program, Smithtown High School East

5. Departments of Biology and Cell Biology, University of Virginia


A growing body of evidence suggests that cell division and basement membrane invasion are mutually exclusive cellular behaviors. How cells switch between proliferative and invasive states is not well understood. Here, we investigated this dichotomy in vivo by examining two cell types in the developing Caenorhabditis elegans somatic gonad that derive from equipotent progenitors, but exhibit distinct cell behaviors: the post-mitotic, invasive anchor cell and the neighboring proliferative, non-invasive ventral uterine (VU) cells. We show that the fates of these cells post-specification are more plastic than previously appreciated and that levels of NHR-67 are important for discriminating between invasive and proliferative behavior. Transcription of NHR-67 is downregulated following post-translational degradation of its direct upstream regulator, HLH-2 (E/Daughterless) in VU cells. In the nuclei of VU cells, residual NHR-67 protein is compartmentalized into discrete punctae that are dynamic over the cell cycle and exhibit liquid-like properties. By screening for proteins that colocalize with NHR-67 punctae, we identified new regulators of uterine cell fate maintenance: homologs of the transcriptional co-repressor Groucho (UNC-37 and LSY-22), as well as the TCF/LEF homolog POP-1. We propose a model in which the association of NHR-67 with the Groucho/TCF complex suppresses the default invasive state in non-invasive cells, which complements transcriptional regulation to add robustness to the proliferative-invasive cellular switch in vivo.


National Institutes of Health

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation

Stony Brook University

Human Frontier Science Program

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

National Science Foundation


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd


General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience








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