CarlaScenes: A synthetic dataset for odometry in autonomous driving


Kloukiniotis Andreas1,Papandreou Andreas1,Anagnostopoulos Christos2,Lalos Aris2,Kapsalas Petros3,Nguyen D.-V.3,Moustakas Konstantinos1


1. University of Patras

2. I.S.I. - Industrial Systems Institute of Patras

3. Panasonic Automotive,Langen,Germany



Reference36 articles.

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4. A Survey of UAV Visual Navigation Based on Monocular SLAM

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1. Whole‐body motion planning and tracking of a mobile robot with a gimbal RGB‐D camera for outdoor 3D exploration;Journal of Field Robotics;2024-01-02

2. Quantifying the effects of different data streams on the calibration of building energy simulation;Energy and Buildings;2023-10

3. Reviewing Deep Learning-Based Feature Extractors in a Novel Automotive SLAM Framework;2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED);2023-06-26

4. Federated Deep Feature Extraction-based SLAM for Autonomous Vehicles;2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP);2023-06-11

5. Impact, Attention, Influence: Early Assessment of Autonomous Driving Datasets;2023 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE);2023-04-21







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