Giant lipoma of atypical localization


Snarskaya Elena S.ORCID,Shnakhova Lidiya M.ORCID,Semiklet Juliya M.ORCID


Lipoma (from the Greek ί ― fat), fatty tumor, wen is a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin, consisting of mature adipocytes, the pathogenesis and etiology of which remain not completely clear. Diagnosis is based on the clinical presentation of painless, round, movable masses with a characteristic soft, doughy sensation in the subcutaneous tissues, but they can also be found in deeper tissues such as the intermuscular septa, abdominal organs, oral cavity, internal auditory canal, cerebellopontin angle, and chest, as a result of which specialized specialists are involved in the examination of the patient to obtain the results of ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, a histological examination is performed to exclude liposarcoma. Treatment of a lipoma depends on the location, number, size, and subjective symptoms. Lipomas are excised by endoscopy (anemic, without the risk of noticeable scarring), open method, which makes it possible to prevent recurrence, or outpatient (under local anesthesia). Due to the high incidence of pathology in the presence of a hereditary predisposition, a thorough examination of the patients relatives and the collection of a family history are necessary. We present a clinical case of giant lipoma in a patient with a rare location of the tumor on the skin of the temporo-zygomatic region of the face.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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