Vaginal microbiota stability as a marker of successful outcomes of pregnancy


Beliaeva Natalia R.ORCID,Budilovskaya Olga V.ORCID,Savicheva Alevtina M.ORCID,Tapilskaya Natalia I.ORCID,Kogan Igor Yu.ORCID


Overcoming the problem of miscarriage still remains relevant today. Its' significant contribution to the structure of premature birth is due to the invasion of conditionally pathogenic microflora from the lower parts of the genital tract into the amniotic cavity. It can thus trigger an inflammatory reaction, causing early termination of pregnancy. The microbiota of the genital tract is characterized by the least diversity and high stability over time compared to any other location of the body. The dominance of certain types of lactobacilli in the vaginal biotope may be a marker of well-being, or a harbinger of termination of pregnancy. The aim of this review article is to summarize the current understanding of the vaginal microbiota during pregnancy in order to determine the relationship between its composition and stability throughout pregnancy, as well as the risk of early termination of pregnancy.


ECO-Vector LLC


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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