Diabetes epidemiology in Russia: what has changed over the decade?


Shestakova M V,Vikulova O K,Zheleznyakova A V,Isakov M A,Dedov I I


The National diabetes register (NDR) was created as unified dynamic database in online format. It allows providing clinical and epidemiological monitoring of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the whole country. Aim. To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of diabetes over the past decade, to access the dynamics of the prevalence of acute (coma) and chronic (micro - and macrovascular) complications of DM. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the depersonized NDR database of DM patients. It consists of 84 regions of the Russian Federation (RF), included in the online registry system on 01.01.2019. Results and discussion. The total number of patients with DM in RF on 01.01.2019 was 4 584 575 (3.12% of the population), comprising 256.2 thousand patients with T1DM, 4.24 million with T2DM, 89.9 thousand other types of DM. Since 2000, the number of DM patients in RF has grown 2.2 times. 34.7% patients with T1DM reached target level of HbA1c


Consilium Medicum


General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,History,Family Practice

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5. gks.ru [интернет]. Федеральная служба государственной статистики [доступ от 15.01.2019]. Доступ по ссылке http://www.gks.ru.








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