Anesthesia Patient Monitoring 2050


Kuck Kai1,Lofgren Lars1,Lybbert Carter1


1. From the Departments of Anesthesiology and Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.


The monitoring of vital signs in patients undergoing anesthesia began with the very first case of anesthesia and has evolved alongside the development of anesthesiology ever since. Patient monitoring started out as a manually performed, intermittent, and qualitative assessment of the patient’s general well-being in the operating room. In its evolution, patient monitoring development has responded to the clinical need, for example, when critical incident studies in the 1980s found that many anesthesia adverse events could be prevented by improved monitoring, especially respiratory monitoring. It also facilitated and perhaps even enabled increasingly complex surgeries in increasingly higher-risk patients. For example, it would be very challenging to perform and provide anesthesia care during some of the very complex cardiovascular surgeries that are almost routine today without being able to simultaneously and reliably monitor multiple pressures in a variety of places in the circulatory system. Of course, anesthesia patient monitoring itself is enabled by technological developments in the world outside of the operating room. Throughout its history, anesthesia patient monitoring has taken advantage of advancements in material science (when nonthrombogenic polymers allowed the design of intravascular catheters, for example), in electronics and transducers, in computers, in displays, in information technology, and so forth. Slower product life cycles in medical devices mean that by carefully observing technologies such as consumer electronics, including user interfaces, it is possible to peek ahead and estimate with confidence the foundational technologies that will be used by patient monitors in the near future. Just as the discipline of anesthesiology has, the patient monitoring that accompanies it has come a long way from its beginnings in the mid-19th century. Extrapolating from careful observations of the prevailing trends that have shaped anesthesia patient monitoring historically, patient monitoring in the future will use noncontact technologies, will predict the trajectory of a patient’s vital signs, will add regional vital signs to the current systemic ones, and will facilitate directed and supervised anesthesia care over the broader scope that anesthesia will be responsible for.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Reference74 articles.

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1. Robotic Anesthesia: A Vision for 2050;Anesthesia & Analgesia;2024-01-12







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