Smoking cessation and its significant role in the Indian scenario


Kumar Raj,Kumar ManojORCID,Raj Sukriti,Arisham Dileep Kumar,Mavi Anil Kumar,Singh Kamal


Given the increased health dangers of tobacco use, particularly in developing countries, smoking cessation intervention is crucially important. The aim of this study is to determine and assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive smoking cessation intervention program, incorporating behavior modification, counseling, and pharmacologic treatments, in the context of the Indian scenario. The process of initiating smoking or tobacco cessation begins with the evaluation of the distinct stages that smokers undergo as part of their journey toward behavioral change. There are five different levels of preparation for quitting smoking, i.e., i) not prepared (pre-contemplation); ii) unsure (contemplation); iii) prepared (preparation); iv) action; and v) maintenance. Behavior modification and counseling are essential. The "5 A's"-based intervention uses ask, advise, assess, assist, and arrange as part of its strategy. First-line treatments such as nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, and varenicline, as well as second-line treatments such as clonidine, cytisine, and nortriptyline, are the foundation of pharmacologic care. Every healthcare professional has a duty to help smokers stop using tobacco, and the intervention should be both therapeutic and diagnostic. Combining behavioral and social support yields the best results, along with pharmacotherapy whenever needed.


PAGEPress Publications


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

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