Centrosome amplification fine-tunes tubulin acetylation to differentially control intracellular organization


Monteiro Pedro,Yeon Bongwhan,Wallis Samuel S.,Godinho Susana A.


AbstractIntracellular organelle organisation is conserved in eukaryotic cells and is primarily achieved through active transport by motor proteins along the microtubule cytoskeleton. Microtubule posttranslational modifications (PTMs) contribute to microtubule diversity and differentially regulate motor-mediated transport. Here we show that centrosome amplification induces a global change in organelle positioning towards the cell periphery and facilitates nuclear migration through confined spaces. This reorganisation requires kinesin-1 and is analogous to loss of dynein. Cells with amplified centrosomes display increased levels of acetylated tubulin, a PTM known to enhance kinesin-1 mediated transport. Depletion of α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1 (αTAT1) to block tubulin acetylation, which has no impact on control cells, rescues the displacement of centrosomes, mitochondria and vimentin, but not Golgi or endosomes. Analyses of the distribution of acetylated microtubules indicates that the polarisation of modified microtubules, rather than levels alone, plays an important role in organelle positioning. We propose that tubulin acetylation differentially impacts kinesin-1-mediated organelle displacement, suggesting that each organelle must have its own sensing and response mechanisms to ensure fine-tuning of its distribution in cells.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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