Oral Fentanyl Consumption Alters Sleep Rhythms, Promotes Avoidance Behaviors, Impairs Fear Extinction Learning, and Alters Basolateral Amygdala Physiology in Male and Female Mice


Downs Anthony M.,Kmiec Gracianne,McElligott Zoé A.


AbstractThe number of opioid overdose deaths has increased over the past several years, mainly driven by an increase in the availability of highly potent synthetic opioids, like fentanyl, in the illicit drug supply. While many previous studies on fentanyl and other opioids have focused on intravenous administration, other routes of administration remain relatively understudied. Here, we used a drinking in the dark (DiD) paradigm to model oral fentanyl self-administration using increasing fentanyl concentrations in male and female mice over 5 weeks. Fentanyl consumption peaked in both female and male mice at the 30 µg/mL dose, with female mice consuming significantly more fentanyl than male mice. Mice consumed sufficient fentanyl such that withdrawal was precipitated with naloxone, with males having more severe withdrawal symptoms, despite lower pharmacological exposure. Fentanyl consumption disrupted normal sleep rhythms in both male and female mice. We also performed behavioral assays to measure avoidance behavior and reward-seeking during fentanyl abstinence. Female mice displayed more avoidance behaviors in the open field assay, whereas male mice showed evidence of these behaviors in the light/dark box assay. Female mice also exhibited increased reward-seeking in the sucrose preference test. Fentanyl-consuming mice of both sexes showed impaired cued fear extinction learning following fear conditioning and increased excitatory synaptic drive and increased excitability of BLA principal neurons. Our experiments demonstrate that long-term oral fentanyl consumption results in wide-ranging physiological and behavioral disruptions. This model could be useful to further study fentanyl withdrawal syndrome, fentanyl seeking, and behaviors associated with protracted fentanyl withdrawal.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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