Postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be facilitated by hyperpolarization-activated inward currents: a simulation study


Schmid Laura,Klotz Thomas,Röhrle Oliver,Powers Randall K.,Negro Francesco,Yavuz Utku Ş.ORCID


AbstractPostinhibitory excitation is a transient overshoot of a neuron’s baseline firing rate following an inhibitory stimulus and can be observedin vivoin human motoneurons. However, the biophysical origin of this phenomenon is still unknown and both reflex pathways and intrinsic motoneuron properties have been proposed. We hypothesized that postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be facilitated by hyperpolarization-activated inward currents (h-currents). Using an electrical circuit model we investigated how h-currents can modulate the postinhibitory response of motoneurons. Further, we analyzed the spike trains of human motor units from the tibialis anterior muscle during reciprocal inhibition. The simulations revealed that the activation of h-currents by an inhibitory postsynaptic potential can cause a short-term increase in a motoneuron’s firing probability. This result suggests that the neuron can be excited by an inhibitory stimulus. In detail, the modulation of the firing probability depends on the time delay between the inhibitory stimulus and the previous action potential. Further, the strength of the postinhibitory excitation correlates with the amplitude of the inhibitory stimulus and is negatively correlated with the baseline firing rate as well as the level of input noise. Hallmarks of h-current activity, as identified from the modeling study, were found in 50 % of the human motor units that showed postinhibitory excitation. This study suggests that h-currents can facilitate postinhibitory excitation and act as a modulatory system to increase motoneuron excitability after a strong inhibition.Author SummaryHuman movement is determined by the activity of specialized nerve cells, the motoneurons. Each motoneuron activates a specific set of muscle fibers. The functional unit consisting of a neuron and muscle fibers is called a motor unit. The activity of motoneurons can be observed noninvasively in living humans by recording the electrical activity of the motor units using the electromyogram. We studied the behavior of human motor units in an inhibitory reflex pathway and found an unexpected response pattern: a rebound-like excitation following the inhibition. This has occasionally been reported for human motor units, but its origin has never been systematically studied. In non-human cells of the neural system, earlier studies reported that a specific membrane protein, the so-called h-channel, can cause postinhibitory excitation. In our study, we use a computational motoneuron model to investigate whether h-channels can cause postinhibitory excitation as observed in the experimental recordings. Using the model, we developed a method to detect features of h-channel activity in human recordings. Because we found these features in a half of the recorded motor units, we conclude that h-channels can facilitate postinhibitory excitation in human motoneurons.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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