Notch3 deletion regulates HIV-1 gene expression and systemic inflammation to ameliorate chronic kidney disease


Thornton Mackenzie,Sommer Nicole,McGonigle Mercedes,Ram Anil Kumar,Yerrathota Sireesha,Ehirim Henrietta,Chaturvedi Aakriti,Phan Johnny Dinh,Chakravarthi Praveen V,Gunewardena Sumedha,Talreja Jaya,Singhal Pravin,Fields Timothy A,Ray Patricio E,Dhillon Navneet K,Sharma MadhulikaORCID


AbstractAntiretroviral therapy (ART) has profoundly decreased HIV-1 associated morbidity. However, despite ART, immune cells remain latently infected and slowly release viral proteins, leading to chronic inflammation and HIV associated comorbidities. Thus, new strategies are needed to reduce the inflammatory effects of HIV-1. In previous studies we found that gamma secretase inhibitor (GSIXX) ameliorated renal lesions of HIV-Tg26 mice carrying replication defective HIV-1 PNL4-3 by inhibiting Notch activation. Since gamma secretase inhibition is not a safe strategy in humans, here we examined the specific role of the Notch3 pathway in the pathogenesis of the renal lesions and outcome of HIV-Tg26 mice. We found that Notch3 is activated in podocytes and other renal cells in HIV-Tg26 mice and human biopsies with HIV-1 associated Nephropathy (HIVAN). Knockdown of Notch3 in HIV-Tg26 mice revealed a marked reduction in the mortality rate, improvement in renal injury and function. RNA sequencing and immunolabeling data revealed that Notch3 deletion drastically reduced infiltrating renal macrophages in HIV-Tg-N3KO mice in association with renal reduction of HIV-nefmRNA expression levels. In fact, bone marrow derived macrophages from HIV-Tg26 mice showed a significant activation of Notch3 signaling. Further, systemic levels of TNF-alpha and MCP-1 and other inflammatory chemokines and cytokines were reduced in Tg-N3KO mice as compared to HIV-Tg26 mice and this translated to a marked reduction of HIV-induced skin lesions. Taken together, these studies strongly point to a dual inhibitory/therapeutic effect of Notch3 inhibition on HIV-induced systemic, skin and renal lesions independently of ART.Translational statementNotch3 inhibition has been reported to be an anti-inflammatory strategy for glomerular diseases. Here, using an HIV-1 transgenic mouse model we show that global Notch3 deletion not only improves kidney phenotype but also renal expression of HIV gene, Nef and systemic inflammation which leads to a drastic increase of life span of these mice. Notch3 inhibition can thus play a dual protective role in HIV related chronic diseases.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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