Large-scale pathway-specific polygenic risk, transcriptomic community networks and functional inferences in Parkinson disease


Bandres-Ciga S,Saez-Atienzar S,Kim JJ,Makarious MB,Faghri FORCID,Diez-Fairen M,Iwaki H,Leonard H,Botia J,Ryten M,Hernandez D,Gibbs JR,Ding J,Gan-Or Z,Noyce A,Pihlstrom L,Torkamani A,Scholz SW,Traynor B,Ehrlich D,Scherzer CR,Bookman M,Cookson MORCID,Blauwendraat C,Nalls MA,Singleton AB,


ABSTRACTPolygenic inheritance plays a central role in Parkinson disease (PD). A priority in elucidating PD etiology lies in defining the biological basis of genetic risk. Unraveling how risk leads to disruption will yield disease-modifying therapeutic targets that may be effective. Here, we utilized a high-throughput and hypothesis-free approach to determine biological pathways underlying PD using the largest currently available cohorts of genetic data and gene expression data from International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Consortium (IPDGC) and the Accelerating Medicines Partnership - Parkinson’s disease initiative (AMP-PD), among other sources. We placed these insights into a cellular context. We applied large-scale pathway-specific polygenic risk score (PRS) analyses to assess the role of common variation on PD risk in a cohort of 457,110 individuals by focusing on a compilation of 2,199 publicly annotated gene sets representative of curated pathways, of which we nominate 46 pathways associated with PD risk. We assessed the impact of rare variation on PD risk in an independent cohort of whole-genome sequencing data, including 4,331 individuals. We explored enrichment linked to expression cell specificity patterns using single-cell gene expression data and demonstrated a significant risk pattern for adult dopaminergic neurons, serotonergic neurons, and radial glia. Subsequently, we created a novel way of building de novo pathways by constructing a network expression community map using transcriptomic data derived from the blood of 1,612 PD patients, which revealed 54 connecting networks associated with PD. Our analyses highlight several promising pathways and genes for functional prioritization and provide a cellular context in which such work should be done.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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