Motor learning in childhood reveals distinct mechanisms for memory retention and re-learning


Musselman Kristin E.,Roemmich Ryan T.,Garrett Ben,Bastian Amy J.


Adults can easily learn and access multiple versions of the same motor skill adapted for different conditions (e.g., walking in water, sand, snow). Following even a single session of adaptation, adults exhibit clear day-to-day retention and faster re-learning of the adapted pattern. Here, we studied the retention and re-learning of an adapted walking pattern in children aged 6–17 yr. We found that all children, regardless of age, showed adult-like patterns of retention of the adapted walking pattern. In contrast, children under 12 yr of age did not re-learn faster on the next day after washout had occurred—they behaved as if they had never adapted their walking before. Re-learning could be improved in younger children when the adaptation time on day 1 was increased to allow more practice at the plateau of the adapted pattern, but never to adult-like levels. These results show that the ability to store a separate, adapted version of the same general motor pattern does not fully develop until adolescence, and furthermore, that the mechanisms underlying the retention and rapid re-learning of adapted motor patterns are distinct.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research

National Institutes of Health


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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