Complement C1q-dependent engulfment of alpha-synuclein induces ENS-resident macrophage exhaustion and accelerates Parkinson’s-like gut pathology


Mackie PMORCID,Koshy J,Bhogade M,Hammoor T,Hachmeister W,Lloyd GMORCID,Paterno GORCID,Bolen MORCID,Tansey MGORCID,Giasson BIORCID,Khoshbouei HORCID


SummaryDeposition of misfolded α-synuclein (αsyn) in the enteric nervous system (ENS) is found in multiple neurodegenerative diseases. It is hypothesized that ENS synucleinopathy contributes to both the pathogenesis and non-motor morbidity in Parkinson’s Disease (PD), but the cellular and molecular mechanisms that shape enteric histopathology and dysfunction are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that ENS-resident macrophages, which play a critical role in maintaining ENS homeostasis, initially respond to enteric neuronal αsyn pathology by upregulating machinery for complement-mediated engulfment. Pharmacologic depletion of ENS-macrophages or genetic deletion of C1q enhanced enteric neuropathology. Conversely, C1q deletion ameliorated gut dysfunction, indicating that complement partially mediates αsyn-induced gut dysfunction. Internalization of αsyn led to increased endo-lysosomal stress that resulted in macrophage exhaustion and temporally correlated with the progression of ENS pathology. These novel findings highlight the importance of enteric neuron-macrophage interactions in removing toxic protein aggregates that putatively shape the earliest stages of PD in the periphery.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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