Transthalamic input to higher-order cortex selectively conveys state information


Neske Garrett T.,Cardin Jessica A.


SUMMARYCommunication among different neocortical areas is largely thought to be mediated by long-range synaptic interactions between cortical neurons, with the thalamus providing only an initial relay of information from the sensory periphery. Higher-order thalamic nuclei receive strong synaptic inputs from the cortex and send robust projections back to other cortical areas, providing a distinct and potentially critical route for cortico-cortical communication. However, the relative contributions of corticocortical and thalamocortical inputs to higher-order cortical function remain unclear. Using imaging of cortical neurons and projection axon terminals in combination with optogenetic manipulations, we find that the higher-order visual thalamus of mice conveys a specialized stream of information to higher-order visual cortex. Whereas corticocortical projections from lower cortical areas convey robust visual information, higher-order thalamocortical projections convey strong behavioral state information. Together, these findings suggest a key role for higher-order thalamus in providing contextual signals that flexibly modulate sensory processing in higher-order cortex.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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