Internet-connected cortical organoids for project-based stem cell and neuroscience education


Elliott Matthew A.T.ORCID,Schweiger Hunter E.ORCID,Robbins AshORCID,Vera-Choqqueccota SamiraORCID,Ehrlich DrewORCID,Hernandez SebastianORCID,Voitiuk KaterynaORCID,Geng JinghuiORCID,Sevetson Jess L.ORCID,Rosen Yohei M.ORCID,Teodorescu MirceaORCID,Wagner Nico O.ORCID,Haussler DavidORCID,Mostajo-Radji Mohammed A.ORCID


SUMMARYThe introduction of internet-connected technologies to the classroom has the potential to revolutionize STEM education by allowing students to perform experiments in complex models that are unattainable in traditional teaching laboratories. By connecting laboratory equipment to the cloud, we introduce students to experimentation in pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical organoids in two different settings: Using microscopy to monitor organoid growth in an introductory tissue culture course, and using high density multielectrode arrays to perform neuronal stimulation and recording in an advanced neuroscience mathematics course. We demonstrate that this approach develops interest in stem cell and neuroscience in the students of both courses. All together, we propose cloud technologies as an effective and scalable approach for complex project-based university training.HIGHLIGHTS- Development of cortical organoids as pedagogical tools for undergraduate education.- Organoids implemented in a tissue culture course through cloud-enabled microscopy.- Multielectrode arrays allow for live organoid manipulation in a mathematics course.- Students self-report increased interest in neuroscience and stem cells topics.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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