Impact of High Fat Diet and Sex in a Rabbit Model of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Kuroiwa Tomoyuki,Lui Hayman,Nakagawa Koichi,Iida Naoya,Desrochers Claire,Wan Rou,Adam Elameen,Larson Dirk,Amadio PeterORCID,Gingery AnneORCID


AbstractCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common musculoskeletal disorder, characterized by fibrosis of the subsynovial connective tissue (SSCT) mediated by transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β). Risk factors for CTS include metabolic dysfunction and age. Additionally, the incidence of CTS is higher in women. In this study we hypothesized that a high-fat diet (HFD), a common driver of metabolic dysfunction, would promote SSCT fibrosis found in CTS and that this response would be sex dependent. To test this, we examined the effects of HFD and sex on SSCT fibrosis using our established rabbit model of CTS. Forty-eight (24 male, 24 female) adult rabbits were divided into four groups including HFD or standard diet with and without CTS induction. SSCT was collected for histological and gene expression analysis. HFD promoted SSCT thickening and upregulated profibrotic genes, including TGF-β. Fibrotic genes were differentially expressed in males and females. Interestingly while the prevalence of CTS is greater in women than in men, the converse is observed in the presence of metabolic dysfunction. This work recapitulates this clinical observation and begins to elucidate the sex-based differences found in SSCT fibrosis. This knowledge should drive further research and may lead to metabolic and sex specific therapeutic strategies for the treatment of patients with CTS.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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