An AhR-Ovol1-Id1 regulatory axis in keratinocytes promotes skin homeostasis against atopic dermatitis


Chen Zeyu,Dragan Morgan,Sun Peng,Haensel Daniel,Vu Remy,Cui Lian,Shi Yuling,Dai XingORCID


ABSTRACTSkin is our outer permeability and immune defense barrier against myriad external assaults. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) senses environmental factors and regulates barrier robustness and immune homeostasis. AhR agonist is in clinical trial for atopic dermatitis (AD) treatment, but the underlying mechanism of action remains ill-defined. Here we reportOVOL1/Ovol1as a conserved and direct transcriptional target of AhR in epidermal keratinocytes. We show that OVOL1/Ovol1 impacts AhR regulation of keratinocyte gene expression, andOvol1deletion in keratinocytes hampers AhR’s barrier promotion function and worsens AD-like inflammation. Mechanistically, we identify Ovol1’s direct downstream targets genome-wide, and providein vivoevidence for Id1’s critical role in barrier maintenance and disease suppression. Furthermore, our findings reveal an IL-1/dermal γδT cell axis exacerbating both type 2 and type 3 immune responses downstream of barrier perturbation inOvol1-deficient AD skin. Finally, we present data suggesting the clinical relevance of OVOL1 and ID1 function in human AD. Our study highlights a keratinocyte-intrinsic AhR-Ovol1-Id1 regulatory axis that promotes both epidermal and immune homeostasis against AD-like inflammation, implicating new therapeutic targets for AD.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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