Motor neurons are dispensable for the assembly of a sensorimotor circuit for gaze stabilization


Goldblatt DenaORCID,Rosti BaşakORCID,Hamling Kyla R.ORCID,Leary PaigeORCID,Panchal Harsh,Li MarlynORCID,Gelnaw HannahORCID,Huang StephanieORCID,Quainoo Cheryl,Schoppik DavidORCID


Sensorimotor reflex circuits engage distinct neuronal subtypes, defined by precise connectivity, to transform sensation into compensatory behavior. Whether and how motor neuron populations specify the subtype fate and/or sensory connectivity of their pre-motor partners remains controversial. Here, we discovered that motor neurons are dispensable for proper connectivity in the vestibular reflex circuit that stabilizes gaze. We first measured activity following vestibular sensation in premotor projection neurons after constitutive loss of their extraocular motor neuron partners. We observed normal responses and topography indicative of unchanged functional connectivity between sensory neurons and projection neurons. Next, we show that projection neurons remain anatomically and molecularly poised to connect appropriately with their downstream partners. Lastly, we show that the transcriptional signatures that typify projection neurons develop independently of motor partners. Our findings comprehensively overturn a long-standing model: that connectivity in the circuit for gaze stabilization is retrogradely determined by motor partner-derived signals. By defining the contribution of motor neurons to specification of an archetypal sensorimotor circuit, our work speaks to comparable processes in the spinal cord and advances our understanding of general principles of neural development.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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