Synaptic communication within the microcircuits of pyramidal neurons and basket cells in the mouse prefrontal cortex


Fekete Zsuzsanna,Weisz Filippo,Karlócai Mária Rita,Veres Judit M.,Andrási Tibor,Hájos Norbert


AbstractBasket cells are inhibitory interneurons in cortical structures with the potential to efficiently control the activity of their postsynaptic partners. Although their contribution to higher order cognitive functions associated with the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) relies on the characteristics of their synaptic connections, the way they are embedded into local circuits is still not fully uncovered. Here, we determined the synaptic properties of excitatory and inhibitory connections between pyramidal neurons (PNs), cholecystokinin-containing basket cells (CCKBCs) and parvalbumin-containing basket cells (PVBCs) in the mouse mPFC. By performing paired recordings, we revealed that PVBCs receive larger unitary excitatory postsynaptic currents from PNs with shorter latency and faster kinetic properties compared to events evoked in CCKBCs. Also, unitary inhibitory postsynaptic currents in PNs were more reliably evoked by PVBCs than by CCKBCs yet the former connections showed profound short-term depression. Moreover, we demonstrated that CCKBCs and PVBCs in the mPFC are mutually interconnected with each other. As alterations in PVBC function have been linked to neurological and psychiatric conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia and CCKBC vulnerability might play a role in mood disorders, a deeper understanding of the general features of basket cell synapses could serve as a reference point for future investigations with therapeutic objectives.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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