Characterization of the placenta-specific EnvV2-Fca soluble protein derived from endogenous retrovirus


Pramono Didik,Sugimoto Kenji,Kimura Tohru,Miyake Ariko,Nishigaki Kazuo


AbstractEndogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancestral viruses in the host genome. Here, we identified the expression of a defective retroviralenvgene belonging to the ERV group V member 2 Env (EnvV2) inFelis catus(EnvV2-Fca), which was specifically detected in the placental trophoblast syncytiotrophobic layer. EnV2-Fca was expressed as a secreted protein in cultured cells. Genetic analyses indicated that EnvV2 genes are widely present in vertebrate, and are under purifying selection among carnivores, suggesting a potential benefit for the host. Notably, this study suggests that birds, bats, and rodents carrying EnvV2 may play significant roles as intermediate vectors in spreading or cross-transmitting viruses among species. Overall, our findings provide valuable insights into the evolution of ERV in vertebrate hosts.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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5. High Copy Number in Human Endogenous Retrovirus Families is Associated with Copying Mechanisms in Addition to Reinfection







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