Identification and characterization of a potentially novel dorsal cutaneous muscle in rodents


Petruska Jeffrey C.ORCID


ABSTRACTIn the course of performing a detailed dissection of adult rat to map the cutaneous nerves of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar levels a small and unexpected structure was isolated. It appeared to be a cutaneous striated muscle and was observed in both male and female rats and in mice but absent from cats and humans. With the skin reflected laterally from midline, the muscle lies closely apposed to the lateral border of the Thoracic Trapezius (Spinotrapezius) muscle and is easily missed in standard gross dissections. Focussed prosections were performed to identify the origin, insertion, and course of gross innervation. Identification of each of these elements showed them to be distinct from the nearby Trapezius and Cutaneous Trunci (Cutaneous Maximus in mouse) muscles. The striated muscle nature of the structure was validated with whole-mount microscopy.Consulting a range of published rodent anatomical atlases and gross anatomical experts revealed no prior descriptions. This preliminary report is an opportunity for the anatomical and research communities to provide input to either confirm the novelty of this muscle or refer to prior published descriptions in rodents or other species while the muscle, its innervation, and function are further characterized. Presuming this muscle is indeed novel, the name “Cutaneous Scapularis muscle” is proposed in accord with general principles of the anatomical field.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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