Two-photon all-optical electrophysiology for the dissection of larval zebrafish brain functional connectivity


Turrini LapoORCID,Ricci PietroORCID,Sorelli MicheleORCID,de Vito GiuseppeORCID,Marchetti Marco,Vanzi FrancescoORCID,Pavone Francesco S.ORCID


AbstractOne of the most audacious goals of modern neuroscience is unraveling the complex web of causal relations underlying the activity of neuronal populations on a whole-brain scale. This endeavor, prohibitive just a couple of decades ago, has recently become within reach owing to the advancements in optical methods and the advent of genetically encoded indicators/actuators. These techniques, applied to the translucent larval zebrafish have enabled recording and manipulation of the activity of extensive neuronal populations spanning the entire vertebrate brain. Here, we present the conception of a custom two-photon optical system, coupling light-sheet imaging and 3D excitation with acousto-optic deflectors for simultaneous high-speed volumetric recording and optogenetic stimulation. By employing a zebrafish line with pan-neuronal expression of both the calcium reporter GCaMP6s and the red-shifted opsin ReaChR, we implemented a crosstalk-free, noninvasive all-optical approach and applied it to the reconstruction of the functional connectivity of the left habenula.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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