Wnt target gene Ascl4 is dispensable for skin appendage development


Papagno VerdianaORCID,Sulic Ana-Marija,Satta Jyoti P.ORCID,Hoshiar Aida KaffashORCID,Kumar Vinod,Jernvall JukkaORCID,Mikkola Marja L.ORCID


AbstractThe development of skin appendages, including hair follicles, teeth and mammary glands is initiated through the formation of the placode – a local thickening of the epithelium. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling cascade is an evolutionary conserved pathway with an essential role in placode morphogenesis, but its downstream targets and their exact functions remain ill defined. In this study, we identifyAchaete-scute complex-like 4(Ascl4) as a novel target of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and demonstrate its expression pattern in the signaling centers of developing hair follicles and teeth. Ascl transcription factors belong to the superfamily of basic helix-loop-helix transcriptional regulators involved in cell fate determination in many tissues. However, their specific role in the developing skin remains largely unknown. We report thatAscl4null mice have no overt phenotype. Absence of Ascl4 did not impair hair follicle morphogenesis or hair shaft formation suggesting that it is non-essential for hair follicle development. No tooth or mammary gland abnormalities were detected either. We suggest that other transcription factors may functionally compensate for the absence of Ascl4, but further research is warranted to assess this possibility.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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