p73 is required for vessel integrity controlling endothelial junctional dynamics through Angiomotin


Maeso-Alonso LauraORCID,Alonso-Olivares HugoORCID,Martínez-García NicoleORCID,Lopez-Ferreras LorenaORCID,Villoch-Fernández JavierORCID,Puente-Santamaría LauraORCID,Colas-Algora NataliaORCID,Fernández-Corona Alfonso,Lorenzo-Marcos María Elena,Jiménez BenildeORCID,Holmgren LarsORCID,Wilhelm MargaretaORCID,Millan JaimeORCID,Peso Luis delORCID,Claesson-Welsh LenaORCID,Marques Margarita M.ORCID,Marin Maria C.ORCID


AbstractPreservation of blood vessels integrity, which is critical for normal physiology and organ function, is controlled at multiple levels, including endothelial junctions. However, the mechanism that controls the adequate assembly of endothelial cell junctions is not fully defined. Here we uncover TAp73 transcription factor as a vascular architect that orchestrates transcriptional programs involved in cell junction establishment and developmental blood vessel morphogenesis and identify Angiomotin (AMOT) as a TAp73 direct transcriptional target. Knockdown of p73 in endothelial cells not only results in decreased Angiomotin expression and localization at intercellular junctions, but also affects its downstream function regarding Yes-Associated Protein (YAP) cytoplasmic sequestration upon cell-cell contact. Analysis of adherens junctional morphology after p73-knockdown in human endothelial cells revealed striking alterations, particularly a sharp increase in serrated junctions and actin bundles appearing as stress fibers, both features associated with enhanced barrier permeability. In turn, stabilization of Angiomotin levels rescued those junctional defects, confirming that TAp73 controls endothelial junction dynamics, at least in part, through the regulation of Angiomotin. The observed defects in monolayer integrity were linked to hyperpermeability and reduced transendothelial electric resistance. Moreover, p73-knockout retinas showed a defective sprout morphology coupled to hemorrhages, highlighting the physiological relevance of p73 regulation in the maintenance of vessel integrity in vivo. We propose a new model in which TAp73 acts as a vascular architect integrating transcriptional programs that will impinge with Angiomotin/YAP signaling to maintain junctional dynamics and integrity, whilst balancing endothelial cell rearrangements in angiogenic vessels.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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