Humoral and T-cell-mediated responses to a pre-clinical Zika vaccine candidate that utilizes a unique insect-specific flavivirus platform


Porier Danielle L.,Adam Awadalkareem,Kang Lin,Michalak Pawel,Tupik Juselyn,Santos Matthew A.,Lee Christy,Allen Irving C.,Wang Tian,Auguste Albert J.


ABSTRACTVaccination is critical for the control and prevention of viral outbreaks, yet conventional vaccine platforms may involve trade-offs between immunogenicity and safety. Insect-specific viruses have emerged as a novel vaccine platform to overcome this challenge. Detailed studies of humoral and T-cell responses induced by new insect-specific flavivirus (ISFV)-based vaccine platforms are needed to better understand correlates of protection and improve vaccine efficacy. Previously, we used a novel ISFV called Aripo virus (ARPV) to create a Zika virus (ZIKV) vaccine candidate (designated ARPV/ZIKV). ARPV/ZIKV demonstrated exceptional safety and single-dose efficacy, completely protecting mice from a lethal ZIKV challenge. Here, we explore the development of immune responses induced by ARPV/ZIKV immunization and evaluate its correlates of protection. Passive transfer of ARPV/ZIKV-induced immune sera to naïve mice prior to challenge emphasized the importance of neutralizing antibodies as a correlate of protection. Depletion of T-cells in vaccinated mice and adoptive transfer of ARPV/ZIKV-primed T-cells to naïve mice prior to challenge indicated that ARPV/ZIKV-induced CD4+and CD8+T-cell responses contribute to the observed protection but may not be essential for protection during ZIKV challenge. However, vaccination of Rag1 KO, Tcra KO, and muMtmice demonstrated the critical role for ARPV/ZIKV-induced T-cells in developing protective immune responses following vaccination. Overall, both humoral and T-cell-mediated responses induced by ISFV-based vaccines are important for comprehensive immunity, and ISFV platforms continue to be a promising method for future vaccine development.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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