The Sde Phosphoribosyl-Linked Ubiquitin Transferases protect theLegionella pneumophilavacuole from degradation by the host


Kim Seongok,Isberg Ralph R.


AbstractLegionella pneumophilagrows intracellularly within a host membrane-bound vacuole that is formed in response to a bacterial type IV secretion system (T4SS). T4SS translocated Sde proteins promote phosphoribosyl-linked ubiquitination of endoplasmic reticulum protein Rtn4, but the role played by this modification is obscure due to lack of clear growth defects of mutants. To identify the steps in vacuole biogenesis promoted by these proteins, mutations were identified that unmasked growth defects in Δsdestrains. Mutations in thesdhA,ridLandlegA3genes aggravated the Δsdefitness defect, resulting in disruption of theLegionella-containing vacuole (LCV) membrane within 2 hrs of bacterial contact with host cells. Depletion of Rab5B and sorting nexin 1 partially bypassed loss of Sde proteins, consistent with Sde blocking early endosome and retrograde trafficking, similar to roles previously demonstrated for SdhA and RidL proteins. Sde protein protection of LCV lysis was only observed shortly after infection, presumably because Sde proteins are inactivated by the metaeffector SidJ during the course of infection. Deletion of SidJ extended the time that Sde proteins could prevent vacuole disruption, indicating that Sde proteins are negatively regulated at the posttranslational level and are limited to protecting membrane integrity at the earliest stages of replication. Transcriptional analysis was consistent with this timing model for an early point of execution of Sde protein. Therefore, Sde proteins act as temporally-regulated vacuole guards during establishment of the replication niche, possibly by constructing a physical barrier that blocks access of disruptive host compartments early during biogenesis of the LCV.Significance statementMaintaining replication compartment integrity is critical for growth of intravacuolar pathogens within host cells. By identifying genetically redundant pathways,Legionella pneumophilaSde proteins that promote phosphoribosyl-linked ubiquitination of target eukaryotic proteins are shown to be temporally-regulated vacuole guards, preventing replication vacuole dissolution during early stages of infection. As targeting of reticulon 4 by these proteins leads to tubular endoplasmic reticulum aggregation, Sde proteins are likely to construct a barrier that blocks access of disruptive early endosomal compartments to the replication vacuole. Our study provides a new framework for how vacuole guards function to support biogenesis of theL. pneumophilareplicative niche.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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