Predicting structures of large protein assemblies using combinatorial assembly algorithm and AlphaFold2


Shor Ben,Schneidman-Duhovny Dina


AbstractDeep learning models, such as AlphaFold2 and RosettaFold, enable high-accuracy protein structure prediction. However, large protein complexes are still challenging to predict due to their size and the complexity of interactions between multiple subunits. Here we present CombFold, a combinatorial and hierarchical assembly algorithm for predicting structures of large protein complexes utilizing pairwise interactions between subunits predicted by AlphaFold2. CombFold accurately predicted (TM-score > 0.7) 72% of the complexes among the Top-10 predictions in two datasets of 60 large, asymmetric assemblies. Moreover, the structural coverage of predicted complexes was 20% higher compared to corresponding PDB entries. We applied the method on complexes from Complex Portal with known stoichiometry but without known structure and obtained high-confidence predictions. CombFold supports the integration of distance restraints based on crosslinking mass spectrometry and fast enumeration of possible complex stoichiometries. CombFold’s high accuracy makes it a promising tool for expanding structural coverage beyond monomeric proteins.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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1. Recent Advances and Challenges in Protein Structure Prediction;Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling;2023-12-18







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