Identifying behavioral links to neural dynamics of multifiber photometry recordings in a mouse social behavior network


Chen YiboORCID,Chien JonathanORCID,Dai BingORCID,Lin DayuORCID,Chen Zhe SageORCID


SUMMARYDistributed hypothalamic-midbrain neural circuits orchestrate complex behavioral responses during social interactions. How population-averaged neural activity measured by multi-fiber photometry (MFP) for calcium fluorescence signals correlates with social behaviors is a fundamental question. We propose a state-space analysis framework to characterize mouse MFP data based on dynamic latent variable models, which include continuous-state linear dynamical system (LDS) and discrete-state hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM). We validate these models on extensive MFP recordings during aggressive and mating behaviors in male-male and male-female interactions, respectively. Our results show that these models are capable of capturing both temporal behavioral structure and associated neural states. Overall, these analysis approaches provide an unbiased strategy to examine neural dynamics underlying social behaviors and reveals mechanistic insights into the relevant networks.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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