Stellate Ganglion Block to Treat Long COVID-19 Syndrome, A 41 patient Retrospective Cohort Study


Pearson LisaORCID,Maina Alfred,Thompson Leah,Harden Sherri,Aaroe Abbey,Compratt Taylor


AbstractPost Covid-19 condition (PCC), long COVID-19 syndrome and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) all refer to a constellation of symptoms that are unresolved long after the acute phase of the viral infection. The severity of symptoms can vary from mild and tolerable to severe and debilitating.1,2Due to the evolving nature of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, treatment protocols for the illness are in a constant state of evolution. The early stage of long COVID-19 syndrome contributes to a dearth of treatment protocols based on empirical evidence, while the absence of a conclusive pathophysiological understanding further complicates the development of such protocols. Current treatment regimens include homeopathic medicine, specialist system focused treatments, infusion therapies, hyperbaric oxygenation, and polypharmacy. The physiological, psychological, and societal impact of long COVID-19 cannot be approached casually and must govern the intensity with which the healthcare community approaches treatment of long COVID-19 syndrome.In this 41-patient cohort study from a chronic pain management practice, the use of either unilateral or bilateral stellate ganglion block (SGB) was explored to manage symptoms associated with long COVID-19 syndrome. Results indicated that a substantial proportion of patients (86%) experienced a reduction of their symptoms following SGB treatment.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference36 articles.

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