Urolithin A induces cardioprotection and enhanced mitochondrial quality during natural aging and heart failure


Liu S.,Faitg J.,Tissot C,Konstantopoulos D.,Laws R.,Bourdier G.,Andreux P.A.,Davey T.,Singh A.,Rinsch C.,Marcinek D.J.ORCID,D’Amico D.ORCID


AbstractCardiovascular diseases remain the primary cause of global mortality, necessitating effective strategies to alleviate their burden. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a driving force behind aging and chronic conditions, including heart disease. Here, we investigate the potential of Urolithin A (UA), a gut microbiome-derived postbiotic that enhances mitophagy, to ameliorate both age-related decline in cardiac function and cardiac failure. We highlight the significance of targeting mitochondria, by comparing gene expression changes in aging human hearts and cardiomyopathies. UA oral administration successfully counteracts mitochondrial and cardiac dysfunctions in preclinical models of aging and heart failure. UA improves both systolic and diastolic heart functions, distinguishing it from other mitochondrial interventions. In cardiomyocytes, UA recovers mitochondrial ultrastructural defects and decline in mitochondrial biomarkers occurring with aging and disease. These findings extend UA’s benefits to heart health, making UA a promising nutritional intervention to evaluate in the clinic to promote healthy cardiovascular function as we age.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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