TAD border deletion at theKitlocus causes tissue-specific ectopic activation of a neighboring gene


Kabirova EvelynORCID,Ryzhkova AnastasiyaORCID,Lukyanchikova VarvaraORCID,Khabarova AnnaORCID,Korablev Alexey,Shnaider Tatyana,Nuriddinov Miroslav,Belokopytova Polina,Kontsevaya Galina,Serova Irina,Battulin NarimanORCID


AbstractTopologically associated domains (TADs) restrict promoter-enhancer interactions, thereby maintaining the spatiotemporal pattern of gene activity. However, rearrangements of the TADs boundaries do not always lead to significant changes in the activity pattern. Here, we investigated the consequences of the TAD boundaries deletion on the expression of developmentally important genes encoding tyrosine kinase receptors:Kit, Kdr, Pdgfra. We used genome editing in mice to delete the TADs boundaries at theKitlocus and characterized chromatin folding and gene expression in pure cultures of fibroblasts, mast cells, and melanocytes. We found that althoughKitis highly active in both mast cells and melanocytes, deletion of the TAD boundary between theKitandKdrgenes results in ectopic activation only in melanocytes. Thus, the epigenetic landscape, namely the mutual arrangement of enhancers and actively transcribing genes, is important for predicting the consequences of the TAD boundaries removal. We also found that mice without a TAD border between theKitandKdrgenes have a phenotypic manifestation of the mutation — a lighter coloration. Thus, the data obtained shed light on the principles of interaction between the 3D chromatin organization and epigenetic marks in the regulation of gene activity.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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