Common variants ofNRXN1, LRP1BandRORAare associated with increased ventricular volumes in psychosis - GWAS findings from the B-SNIP deep phenotyping study


Alliey-Rodriguez NeyORCID,Grey Tamar A,Shafee Rebecca,Padmanabhan Jaya,Tandon Neeraj,Klinger Madeline,Spring Jonathan,Coppes Lucas,Reis Katherine,Keshavan Matcheri S,Gage Diane,McCarroll Steven,Bishop Jeffrey R,Hill Scot,Reilly James L,Lencer Rebekka,Clementz Brett,Buckley Peter,Meda Shashwath,Narayanan Balaji,Glahn David C,Pearlson Godfrey,Ivleva Elena I,Tamminga Carol,Sweeney John A,Curtis David,Keedy Sarah,Badner Judith A,Liu Chunyu,Gershon Elliot S


ABSTRACTSchizophrenia, Schizoaffective, and Bipolar Disorders share common illness traits, intermediate phenotypes and a partially overlapping polygenic basis. We performed GWAS on deep phenotyping data, including structural MRI and DTI, clinical, and behavioral scales from 1,115 cases and controls. Significant associations were observed with two cerebrospinal fluid volumes: the temporal horn of left lateral ventricle was associated withNRXN1, and the volume of the cavum septum pellucidum was associated withLRP1BandRORA. Both volumes were associated with illness. Suggestive associations were observed with local gyrification indices, fractional anisotropy and age at onset. The deep phenotyping approach allowed unexpected genetic sharing to be found between phenotypes, including temporal horn of left lateral ventricle and age at onset.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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