Open spaced ridged hydrogel scaffolds containing TiSAMP surface chemistry promotes regeneration and recovery following spinal cord injury


Siddiqui Ahad M.,Thiele Fredric,Stewart Rachel,Rangnick Simone,Weiss Georgina,Chen Bingkun K.,Silvernail Jodi,Strickland Tammy,Nesbitt Jarred,Lim Kelly,Schwarzbauer Jean E.,Schwartz Jeffrey,Yaszemski Michael J.,Windebank Anthony J.,Madigan Nicolas N.


AbstractThe spinal cord has poor ability to regenerate after injury, which may be due to cell loss, cyst formation, inflammation, and scarring. A promising approach to treat spinal cord injury (SCI) is the use of biomaterials. We have developed a novel hydrogel scaffold fabricated from oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) (OPF) as a 0.08 mm thick sheet containing polymer ridges and a cell-attractive surface chemistry on the other side. When the cells are cultured on OPF with the chemical patterning, the cells attach, align, and deposit ECM along the direction of the pattern. Animals implanted with the rolled scaffold sheets had greater hindlimb recovery compared to the multichannel scaffold control, likely due to the greater number of axons growing across. Inflammation, scarring, and ECM deposits were equal across conditions. Overall, the results suggest that the scaffold sheets promote axon outgrowth that can be guided across the scaffold, thereby promoting hindlimb recovery.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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